Hardware Documentation - Machines DEC - VAX hardware reference

This is an (incomplete) list of Digital Equipment Corporation VAX computers and specifications. Compiled by [email protected] with much help from [email protected] users.

This is very much still a work in progress - many sections are little more than placeholders. Having said that, there should be enough here to prove useful.

BSD daemon

Cpu: ? NetBSD: Cannot run NetBSD
Notes: A ROM based X terminal with a non vax CPU.
Cpu: KA42-A, CVAX (90ns), 1KB on chip cache, 64KB external cache Memory: 4MB on cpu board. 4, (12, or 16MB?) boards to max 8MB (32MB?)
Enclosure: BA42-A Max power: 348W
NetBSD: Can run NetBSD Last updated: 2003-07-17
Notes: Diskless VAXstation 3100 M30 mopbooted with either DECwindows or X. Can be upgraded to a 'full' VAXstation 3100 with a kit from DEC.
Nickname: Cirrus Cpu: (?), CVAX+ (60ns), 1KB on chip cache, 32KB external cache
Vup: 2.4 Tps: 30
Bus: 2 DSSI Interfaces: 4 ethernet (2 redundant)
Memory: Maximum 96MB NetBSD: Probably not (as of 1.6.1)
Last updated: 2003-07-17 Notes: "Fault Tolerant" series; contained backups of most critical hardware
Nickname: Cirrus Cpu: (?), CVAX+ (60ns), 1KB on chip cache, 32KB external cache
Vup: 3.8 Tps: 30
Bus: DSSI NetBSD: Probably not (as of 1.6.1)
Last updated: 2003-07-17 Notes: "Fault Tolerant" series; contained backups of most critical hardware
Nickname: Cirrus II Cpu: (?), SOC (35ns), 6KB on chip cache, 128KB external cache
Vup: 6.0 Tps: 47
Bus: 2 DSSI Interfaces: 8 ethernet (4 redundant)
Memory: Maximum 256MB NetBSD: Probably not (as of 1.6.1)
Last updated: 2003-07-17 Notes: "Fault tolerant" series; contained backups of most critical hardware
Last updated: 2003-07-17
Nickname: Cirrus II Cpu: (?), SOC (35ns), 6KB on chip cache, 128KB external cache
Vup: 6.0 Tps: 47
Bus: 4 DSSI Interfaces: 8 ethernet (4 redundant)
Memory: Maximum 256MB NetBSD: Probably not (as of 1.6.1)
Last updated: 2003-07-17 Notes: "Fault tolerant" series; contained backups of most critical hardware
Cpu: Dual (?), SOC (35ns), 6KB on chip cache, 128KB external cache Vup: 12
Tps: 78 Bus: 4 DSSI
Interfaces: 8 ethernet (4 redundant) Memory: Maximum 512MB
NetBSD: Probably not (as of 1.6.1) Last updated: 2003-07-17
Notes: Dual processor version of VAXft 610
Nickname: Jetstream Cpu: (?), NVAX+ (12ns), 10KB on chip cache, 512KB external cache
Vup: 30 Tps: 185
Bus: DSSI NetBSD: Probably not (as of 1.6.1)
Last updated: 2003-07-17 Notes: "Fault tolerant" series; contained backups of most critical hardware
Vup: 3.8 Introduced: February 1990
Last updated: 2003-07-18 Notes: Another name for the VAXft 310? Actually has two processors running in lock-step
Cpu: (?), <9000> (16ns), 136KB on chip cache Tps: 175
Last updated: 1998-11-19
Nickname: Aridus Cpu: (?), <9000> (16ns), 136KB on chip cache
Vup: 40 Tps: 175
Bus: 1 XMI, 8 CI, and 4 VAXBI (Max 80 MB/s) Memory: Maximum 512MB
Enclosures: (with integrated power front end)
 SCU: 1.5m H x 0.67m W 0.76m D 335kg 4.4kW CPU: 1.5m H x 0.91m W 0.76m D 360kg 4.9kW I/O: 1.5m H x 0.91m W 0.76m D 510kg 2.2kW Options: UPC: 1.5m H x 1.16m W x 0.76m D 612kg 1.1kW (but I/O cab drops to 364kg 1.8kW) VAXBI:	1.5m H x 0.76m W x 0.76m D
Image: VAX 9000 NetBSD: Cannot run NetBSD (As of 1.6.1)
Last updated: 2003-07-17 Notes: Requires special cooling and power. Only 400-500 VAX 9000 of any model made
Tps: 190 Last updated: 1998-11-19
Nickname: Aridus
Cpu: (?) '9AR' Aquarius (ECL/MCU) 128KB @16ns cache, 8KB @16ns instruction cache (per CPU)
Vup: 40 Tps: 190
Bus: 2 XMI, 10 CI, and 8 VAXBI (Max 160 MB/s) Memory: Maximum 512MB
Enclosures: VAX 9000-400 (cabs are all 1.83m high)
VAX 9000-410/420: SCU + CPU + I/O + UPC
Image: VAX 9000
NetBSD: Cannot run NetBSD (As of 1.4) Last updated: 1998-11-19
Notes: Requires special cooling and power. Only 400-500 VAX 9000 of any model were made
Vup: 79 Tps: 315
NetBSD: Cannot run NetBSD (As of 1.4) Last updated: 1998-01-26
Notes: Same as VAX 9000 M410, but with extra CPU
Vup: 118 Tps: 400
Bus: 4 XMI, 10 CI, and 14 VAXBI (Max 320 MB/s) Enclosure: VAX 9000-430/440: SCU + CPU + CPU + I/O + I/O + UPC + UPC
Image: VAX 9000 NetBSD: Cannot run NetBSD (As of 1.4)
Last updated: 1998-11-19 Notes: Similar to VAX 9000 M410, but with extra CPUs and enclosures
Vup: 157 Tps: 530
Image: VAX 9000 NetBSD: Cannot run NetBSD (As of 1.4)
Last updated: 1998-11-19
Notes: Same as VAX 9000 M430, but with extra CPU. VAX 9000-440 weighs in at 3626kg and sucks 36.6kW or so, more with VAXBI
Tps: 210 Last updated: 1998-11-19
Tps: 350 Last updated: 1998-11-19
Tps: 475 Last updated: 1998-11-19
Tps: 590 Last updated: 1998-11-19
Tps: 660 Last updated: 1998-11-19
Tps: 705 Last updated: 1998-11-19

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