NetBSD/hp300: Clubfoot Serial Breakout for Series 400 Workstations

This information was provided courtesy of Klaus Klein <[email protected]>

SIO1 is a dca device and can run at up to 38400 bps with hardware handshaking and has a FIFO. Use /dev/tty0.

SIO2 and SIO3 are apci devices and can run at up to 19200 bps. They have no hardware handshaking or FIFOs. Use /dev/ttya0 and /dev/ttya1.

Pinout description

9000/400 Pin # SIO # Signal Breakout Pin #
1 any protective GND 1
2 1 TxD 2
3 1 RxD 3
4 1 RTS 4
5 1 CTS 5
6 1 DSR 6
7 any signal GND 7
8 1 DCD 8
9 3 RxD 3
10 3 CTS 5
11 1 n/c -
12 2 TxD 2
13 2 RxD 3
14 2 RTS 4
15 2 CTS 5
16 2 DCD 8
17 - n/c -
18 2 DTR 20
19 3 DTR 20
20 1 DTR 20
21 3 TxD 2
22 - n/c -
23 3 RTS 4
24 - n/c -
25 3 DCD 8

Availability of adapter cables

A serial port expansion cable with the wiring described above used to be available from Hewlett-Packard as K2292 (frequently referred to as "Clubfoot"), but I have no information whether it still is or not.

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