NetBSD wallpapers, logos for your mobile phone, skins etc.

Available Logos

Wallpapers for your desktop

From Joel Carnat <[email protected]>

From Jan Schaumann <[email protected]>

From Karsten Kruse <[email protected]>

From Turea Alexandru Teodor <classicmanpro at yahoo com>

From Paweł Stańczuk <[email protected]>

From Geert Hendrickx <[email protected]>

This wallpaper is 2560x1024 pixel wide, crop to make it match your screensize!

Where to get more wallpapers

More BSD specific wallpapers can be found on BSDnexus.

Logos for your mobile phone

The following images are in Nokia LogoManager format, suitable for mobile phones:

From Dawid Szymański <[email protected]>

The following logo is in Nokia Data Suite format. Alternatively, if you want to draw the picture yourself, you can look at the pixelized version for help.

From Sebastian Sala <[email protected]>

XMMS Skins

From Karsten Kruse <[email protected]>


ASCII Art of the NetBSD Flag

                _._                    __,gnnCCCCCCCCOPF"''        ~
                       \N\                                               ---
  qnnnn.     qnnnnr     \N\       qgggaagge,     ,spsqs,  qgggaaagga,.  | R |
    NNNNL     "NN                  BBB   "BBb   ;SS   "Ss  DDD    "VDDm  ---
    NNVNNb,    NN           ,t     BBB    IBP   SSk,    "  DDD      "DDb
    NN "VNNp,  NN  .epqe, zttttz   BBBgggdBP'   "SSSSp,    DDD       YDD
    NN   "VNNp,NN eEY__YA   TT     BBB""""GBm,    "SSSSR   DDD       ADD
    NN     "VNbNN EEF""""'  TT     BBB     BBB       "YSL  DDD      .DDP
    NN       "YNN VEL    ,  TT     BBB    _BBP s,     ISF  DDD     ,DDD'
  adNNbe      "NN "VEggdF   ttgt  dBBBaaadBBF'  YSgggdSP' dDDDaaadCDF"